
Showing posts from October, 2023

Episode 1


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Episode 3


Key factors that influence the listening process

  The listening process The listening process involves four stages: receiving, understanding, evaluating, and responding. Basically, an effective listener must hear and identify the speech sounds directed toward them, understand the message of those sounds, critically evaluate or assess that message, remember what’s been said, and respond (either verbally or nonverbally) to information they’ve received. Effectively engaging with all five stages of the listening process lets us best gather the information we need from others. Receiving Paired with hearing, attending is the other half of the receiving stage in the listening process. Attending is the process of accurately identifying and interpreting particular sounds we hear as words. The sounds we hear have no meaning until we give them their meaning in context. Listening is an active process that constructs meaning from both verbal and nonverbal messages. Understanding The second stage in the listening process is the understanding stag

Steps to developing active listening skills

  steps to developing active listening skills   Given the importance of listening skills in the 21st century, how do we develop active listening skills in the new generations? Here are four steps to developing active listening skills.   Prepare to listen.  Before starting to listen, think of the goal of listening and match your goal to the speaker’s goals. Also, set up the physical and emotional environment to facilitate that listening. That means putting aside any distracting thoughts and concerns to focus solely on the speaker.  Engage in active listening.  Active listening means raising your energy level to the listening process, focusing attention and concentration on the speaker, trying to understand the other person’s verbal and non-verbal language, and storing their message in working memory.  Ask questions.  You can encourage those who speak by asking open-ended questions and providing appropriate feedback, both verbal and nonverbal. This will also help you understand their mes

How to improve the listening skills for students at schools

Strategies To Improve Students’ Listening Skills Practical listening skills are crucial in a student's academic and personal life. Students can enhance their understanding, communication, and overall learning experience by developing strong listening skills. Let’s explore five strategies parents can implement to help improve their children's listening skills. Teach Different Types of Listening Skills: Listening is not a one-size-fits-all skill. Introduce your child to different listening skills to help them understand the various contexts in which listening is essential. These include informational listening, critical listening, empathetic listening, and appreciative listening. By explaining the purpose and characteristics of each type, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the importance of listening in different situations. Encourage Active Listening: Active listening is a vital aspect of effective listening. Teach your child the importance of active listening by emp

The role of technology in developing listening skills at schools

 Technology plays a significant role in developing listening skills at schools by providing various tools and resources that enhance the learning experience. Here are several ways in which technology supports the development of listening skills: 1. Audiovisual Content: Technology enables the use of audio and video materials, such as podcasts, videos, and online lectures, which provide students with opportunities to listen to authentic language input. These resources expose students to different accents, intonations, and speech patterns, thereby improving their listening comprehension and understanding of real-world communication. 2. Interactive Learning Platforms: Online platforms and educational software offer interactive listening activities and exercises. These platforms can present students with audio recordings, dialogues, and comprehension questions, allowing them to practice their listening skills in an engaging and self-paced manner. Immediate feedback and progress tracking als

Key factors to reshaping listening -focused activities into the curriculum, listening materials as well as implementation of listening center or classroom at schools

 Reshaping listening-focused activities and incorporating listening materials, as well as implementing a listening center or classroom, can greatly enhance students' listening skills. Here are key factors to consider when integrating these elements into the curriculum: 1. Alignment with Learning Objectives: Ensure that listening-focused activities, materials, and the listening center align with the overall learning objectives of the curriculum. This ensures that listening skills are integrated seamlessly into the broader educational goals. 2. Varied Listening Materials: Include a diverse range of listening materials to expose students to different accents, genres, and topics. This can include podcasts, audiobooks, interviews, speeches, songs, and authentic recordings relevant to the curriculum. 3. Authentic and Engaging Content: Select listening materials that are authentic, relevant, and engaging for students. Real-world examples, current events, and culturally diverse content can

Effective strategies to empower students to become active and tentative listener

  We can all tell, whether a child or an adult when someone is actively listening. We can tell from the eye contact to the body language, to the facial expressions, and then finally the response one gets in return. All of us want to be heard and for our words to be understood. Active listening is an essential life skill as it helps both adults and students learn and build healthy and positive relationships with others. Now imagine a classroom full of active listeners.  Students listen intently, participate, and engage in what the speaker is saying.  A teacher’s dream, huh?! When students know and feel that they are heard and understood, they are more likely to engage. Teaching, modeling, and providing guided practice in active listening transforms students into active listeners. Teaching Your Students to Become Active Listeners Introduce The Roles: The Sender and the Receiver The sender is the person speaking and the one who is giving the information. The sender could be the teacher, a

Significance of honing listening skills at schools

  Academic Benefits of Listening As you are reading this section as part of your college class, it seems appropriate to start with how listening is beneficial in academics. It is easy to surmise that to learn in a traditional classroom, listening is required. Bommelje, Houston, and Smither studied effective listening among 125 college students and found a strong link between effective listening and school success, supporting previous research in the field linking listening skills to grade point average. [1]  This finding is unsurprising as the better you listen while in class, the better prepared you will be for your assignments and exams. It is quite simple really. When students listen, they catch the instructions, pointers, feedback, and hints they can use to make the assignment better or get a better score on the test. In today’s world, the uses of academic listening are changing. Online classes may require listening to pre-recorded lectures. You may be learning at a distance throug